CalAir Newsletter August 2018 – New Faces, New Number

Another month gone by and, as always, a lot to share…

New Faces — New Number

Some of you may already know Vanessa, our long-standing ferry pilot. She alone braves maintenance flights by limping ‘timed out,’ or ‘wounded’ airplanes to our maintenance shop and is a critical part of keeping our birds available and safe. But for those of you that haven’t met her, you’ll likely see her soon as she’s our new Administrative ‘person’ who will further be helping us tidy up and working to build a better CalAir experience for you all. So, if you see her, don’t be shy to say Hi!

With that, there are now two of us here to help with dispatching, maintenance questions, or anything else that might arise, so we established a new main number for CalAir! It’s 310-846-9002 so be sure to add it to your phone!

When she’s on duty, you’ll be able to reach Vanessa or me by phone or text, as well! Please be patient as we fumble a bit setting it up, so feel free to call me directly still if you don’t hear back or get through. We’ll soon have things up and running as smoothly, for sure!

Survey Results Are In!

About a month ago we developed and sent out, what we considered a very serious survey. Why serious? Because we are not taking results lightly! We very much appreciate all the wonderful feedback we’ve received, the good (and not so good), and are using all of it to steer our efforts toward making CalAir the best we can—for you!

“I Like Your Moves”

Please share in my congratulations to these pilots for making great progress and reaching huge milestones, there’s been a lot!
Will Cook – PPL Certification
Jade Sheppard – PPL Written Exam
Page Tofighi – PPL Certification
Eric Chadwick – First Solo!
Art Grantz – IFR Certification
Charlie Rogers – First Solo!
Matt Sherman – Cirrus Transition
Kirk Lee – PPL Written Exam
Keep up the good work and keep at it…you’ll be achieving your next milestone before you know it.
All of us here are really proud you’ve chosen CalAir to help you reach them.

Jonathan Lucas
CalAir | Owner

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