CalAir Newsletter July 2018 – FAA Changes and New SR20
More Big Changes From the FAA
So, a couple of months back, we were delighted to share the latest news from the FAA…they changed some of the FAR’s which now allow a Cirrus aircraft to meet the ‘complex aircraft’ requirement for check-rides. Well there’s been even more we’ve learned now and we’re excited to pass the info along, in case you haven’t heard!
These additional “overhaul items” from the FAA will take effect July 27th, with all changes implemented by December 24th. Some of the pertinent changes include: Proficiency training for instrument-rated pilots in ATD’s (like our new Simulator) will be good for 6 months instead of 2 months, as originally stated. Plus, the requirement that an instructor is present is eliminated. The use of a TAA aircraft (which a Cirrus certainly IS!), can be used to satisfy the required 10 hrs of ‘complex time’ for a Commercial rating. The FAA estimates that the changes will save pilots more than $15 million a year. Great changes for us all!
So, With That…
Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the announcement of the arrival of our third and newest SR20!
We’re expecting her to show sometime next month and will be yet another amazing addition to our exquisite fleet! As LA’s only Cirrus-specific training and rental facility, we’re committed to bringing you only the latest and greatest!
Staying Current – Don’t Fall Into the Trap
I was recently sent an article from one of our TCI’s…it opened my eyes to a new term, which for me, was a very old concept. It’s called the ‘normalization of deviance.’ Although it can be attributed as the main underlying cause in several accidents, this effect was a significant causal factor in the tragic Challenger shuttle explosion and what sent a Gulfstream IV off the end of a runway on departure killing all. If those professionals, (and we’re talking about people that are likely better and more experienced pilots than most of us!), what makes you think it won’t happen to you?!
I’ve seen more negligent procedural slip-ups happen over the course of my career in aviation than I can count or remember. The one common denominator is that these things happen to all pilots of all experience and at all levels. It’s not just for the student pilot; on the contrary, these accidents are more prevalent among high-time professionals. Check out the article for yourself, and you’ll likely see something you’ve done yourself:
So what can you do? Polls have stated for years that pilots who fly within the Cirrus training network are exponentially safer and much less at risk. Because Cirrus Aircraft put so much emphasis on research and development and creating a standardized training network, flying by their rules, recommendations, and procedures can dramatically improve you enjoying a safe and pleasurable flight.
You came to CalAir to be as safe and an ‘in the know’ pilot as possible (in GA’s best single-engine product!). We’re proud that we’ve assembled all the tools for you; new planes, dedicated TCI’s, state-of-the-art simulator training devices, and a structured training curriculum. It’s up to you to use it consistently and keep yourself proficient and safe. You can depend on our CalAir family to help and keep you ‘in the know.’ Don’t let your sub-par procedures become your ‘norm.’
Team CalAir