Master Winter Flights! Quick tips for flying in the cold.
Ready to take some fun winter flights and trips? While SoCal winters aren’t as extreme as other parts of the country, it’s important to be prepared and get practice in different climates and conditions.
Cold-Weather Basics:
- Pre-Flight Warmups: Just like your car, it’s important to preheat the engine, especially in very cold temperatures to avoid excessive wear during startup.
- Battery Health: Keep an eye on battery levels, cold temperatures can affect power output and repeated start attempts can drain the battery quickly.
- Tire Pressure: Cold weather causes tire pressures to drop, make sure you’re topped off and ready.
- In-Cabin Systems: Make sure you have the cabin heating set appropriately before takeoff to prevent fogging.
- Preparedness: Always have an extra layer in case of emergencies.
Flying Dynamics:
- Cold air is denser, resulting in different flying dynamics. Be prepared for increased engine power and shorter takeoff and landing distances
- Flight Into Known Icing “FIKI”:
- Most of our fleet here at CalAir comes equipped with FIKI, designed to prevent in-flight icing and keep you safe. Understanding these features and preparing properly can make all the difference in your winter flying experience.
- As an added bonus, features like FIKI open up additional routes and altitudes.
Destination Lessons:
- If you’re interested in getting in your hours while taking a trip at the same time, talk to your instructor about our destination lesson program. Your favorite slopes are a quick flight away.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us or contact your instructor. We’re always here to help!