
CalAir Newsletter August 2018 – New Faces, New Number
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Another month gone by and, as always, a lot to share… New Faces — New Number Some of you may already know Vanessa, our long-standing ferry pilot. She alone braves...

CalAir Newsletter July 2018 – FAA Changes and New SR20
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More Big Changes From the FAA So, a couple of months back, we were delighted to share the latest news from the FAA…they changed some of the FAR’s which now...

CalAir Aviation Welcome Party
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Our first Welcome Party of 2018 was a huge success–despite the weather! Our fleet of new Cirrus SR20s and SR22s got a little wet, but it didn’t dampen the enthusiasm...

CalAir Newsletter June 2020 – CalAir’s Covid Response
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Greetings CalAir subscribers! It has been quite a while since we’ve last checked in and had much to share. That said, we’re still here and kicking, and have been the...

CalAir Newsletter December 2019 – Success Stories
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Happy Holidays Everyone! It has been a fun and very successful year for CalAir and for a lot of you all. We’re elated to have been able to take part...

CalAir Newsletter May 2019 – N312AP
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Ever considered ownership in a leaseback with CalAir? Well now’s the opportunity! Our meticulously-maintained SR20, N312AP, is for sale and we’re looking for someone to take over ownership and keep...

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